Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Home Study Headache!

For the past several weeks, both agencies have been trying to figure out exactly what needs to be done regarding our home study. Both agencies were discussing whether we just needed an addendum or a re-evaluation (which is, of course, more extensive, more time, more money). We were told originally that we only need an addendum in which we already paid the $200 fee to our old agency.

Well, we figured out today that after much talk between the two agencies, that the word "addendum" means two different things with each agency. So, really what we need is a home study re-evalutation. Basically, what that means is that we have to have another home visit from our social worker (instead of using the phone interview we already had), our home study must be rewritten and instead of the $200 fee, we must pay $550. So, now we feel like we are starting over a little bit and are a little anxious. However, both agencies have sent us their "re-evaluation" guidelines and have promised that we will be able to get through this quickly!

Since we are still using are original social worker from our old agency (because we LOVE her!!), both agencies must be involved with this Home Study "step" so it is a little more work. I am so pleased that everyone involved are truly wanting to be the most efficient to bring home these children as soon as possible!!

Oh, and we will be sending out our reference letters in the mail tomorrow and are so thankful to those who are taking the time to fill them out for us!!!

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