Monday, November 12, 2007

Red Campaign

I knew the Red Campaign involved Africa, Bono and helping raise funds but I had no idea how they all came together. Ever since deciding to adopt from Ethiopia, the information we have received about the conditions of the people are staggering. Basically, many companies (although Gap has been the front runner) have agreed to create products that reflect the (RED) logo so that the proceeds will go to helping those in need in Africa to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. To better understand what exactly what being done, I went to the (RED) website and found this:

The Global Fund has selected established grants with sound performance to receive money raised through (RED). To date, of the $49.8 million received by the Global Fund from the sale of (RED) products, $30.8 million has flowed directly to Global Fund financed grants in Ghana, Rwanda and Swaziland. In these countries this money is helping to finance comprehensive national HIV/AIDS programs led by the ministries of health, to provide antiretroviral treatment for children and adults, to assist in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, as well as essential counseling and testing activities to reduce the overall risk of HIV transmission.

Additional contributions of funds will continue to be made to these programs as they achieve tangible, measurable results in their lifesaving work. Additional amounts of money are sent by the Global Fund to (RED) grants according to the grants’ own requests to the Global Fund – usually every 3 to 6 months – and additional amounts are sent once results have been reported and verified.

To read Impact Stories about beneficiaries of (RED) money in Africa, click on

The Global Fund
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was established in 2002 with the support of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and the world's leaders, to dramatically increase resources to fight three of the world's most devastating diseases. Since its creation, the Global Fund has become the dominant financer of programs to fight AIDS, TB and malaria, with $8.4 billion invested in 136 countries.

The Global Fund is an innovative partnership of governments, non-profit organizations, and the private sector. It is not an implementing agency -- the Global Fund relies on local ownership, planning and expertise and enables countries to design and execute their own programs, but provides funds only on the basis of proven results to ensure that funds are used efficiently to create real change for people and communities.

Global Results
In five years, the Fund has achieved substantial results. As of September 2007, Global Fund financing has provided:
1.1 million people with treatment for HIV and AIDS
9.4 million people with voluntary HIV testing
1.2 million orphans with basic care and support
2.8 million people with treatment for tuberculosis
23 million people with treatment for malaria
30 million families with insecticide-treated mosquito nets

Donate to the Global Fund
Purchasing (PRODUCT) RED is just one way you can support the Global Fund. If you've been INSPI(RED) to do more, please make a contribution to the Global Fund. On the donation form, be sure to check the box designating that you want your money to go toward fighting AIDS in Africa.

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