Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Picture Africa!

Isabella has always loved to draw and paint and every day, she draws at least 4 to 5 pictures with a very detailed story! Ever since the beginning of our adoption from Ethiopia, she has drawn pictures of what she thought Africa looked like and pictures of "our babies". This picture is one of many, but definitely one of my favorites not only because of the picture but because of the story:
(My favorite part of this picture are the "knots" on the end of the giraffe's horns(??) or whatever they are, but they do have that! Attention to detail! I love it!)
"This picture is of my brother and sister's birthland in Africa! Every morning, they get up and see giant elephants with big trunks, tall giraffes with big beautiful spots, and growling tigers who tip toe around. The sun is always bright and hot and they live in a house with a lot of ladies who love them and take care of them. There is a lot of sand and dirt on the ground and only one tree. I love my brother and sister in Africa and I want them to come home before I turn six!"

1 comment:

~Laura~ said...

wow! How sweet is this and the commentary is the best part! I love that your children are gazing out the orphanage windows at giraffes and tigers. HAHA!! :) That is so special...you'll have to save that forever.

Hope you wait is over soon and you're holding your sweet children soon.